Sunday 20 December 2009

Middle Ditch Christmas Special 2009

Listen here:

A Christmas Past

Lady Annabel and Susan reminisce about a Christmas past when the pub burned down.

This episode features in order of appearance:

Keith Walton as the Announcer
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Georgina Malcolm as Young Susan
Leo Dolan as Young Alan
Harry Denniston as Young John
Esme Alexander as Young Annabel
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Young and Old Minton
Jeremy Drake as Young and Old Bishop
Keith Walton as Young and Old Jim
Oli Cary as Young Frank

Editing and sound effects by David Caddy and Monique Caddy
Written by Rowena Kitchen and directed by David Caddy

Sunday 29 November 2009

Middle Ditch 39

Listen here:

In The Attic

Joe upsets Minton during the search for the missing Sir John.
Lady Annabel makes an horrific discovery.

This episode features in order of appearance:

Sorani Mkandawire as the Announcer
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Randolph Minton M.P.
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Keith Walton as Jim
Ian Brinton as Joe

Sound effects and editing by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written by Monique Caddy and directed by Sorani Mkandawire

Sunday 8 November 2009

Middle Ditch 38

Listen here:

Two Dates

Joe is enamoured by Anna's presence and Libby is questioned by Jim
about Ed-Boy's whereabouts.

This episode features in order of appearance:

David Caddy as the Announcer
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Jeremy Drake as Farmer Drake
Janine Caddy as Libby
Ian Brinton as Joe
Keith Walton as Jim

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written by Monique Caddy and directed by David Caddy

Sunday 18 October 2009

Middle Ditch 37

Listen here:

The Missing Milk

Jim's new Detective Sergeant, Joe, has some ideas about crime
and the village. Howard and Barbara are not amused by Joe's questions.

This episode features in order of appearance:

Jeremy Drake as the Announcer
Ian Brinton as Joe
Keith Walton as Jim
Monique Caddy as Barbara
David Caddy as Howard

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written by David Caddy and directed by Jeremy Drake

Sunday 27 September 2009

Middle Ditch 36

Listen here:

The Whistling Chimney

On a stormy night, the pub chimney begins to whistle.
Drake, released from hospital, Anna and Susan get the fright of their lives.

This episode features in order of appearance

David Caddy as the Announcer
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Jeremy Drake as Farmer Drake

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy

Saturday 5 September 2009

Middle Ditch 35

Bedroom Antics

With Drake in a psychiatric hospital, his farm is unattended.
Minton and Lady Annabel's plan comes into action.

This episode features in order of appearance:

David Caddy as the Announcer
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Randolph Minton M.P.

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy

Saturday 15 August 2009

Middle Ditch 34

The Send Off

Drake becomes very upset during Alan's funeral and gets carried away.
Jim, Susan and Anna have doubts about who fathered Sarah's unborn baby.

This episode features in order of appearance

Christine McLaughlin as the Announcer
Jeremy Drake as Farmer Drake
Keith Walton as Jim
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Jay Ramsay as Bishop Ramsay

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy

Saturday 25 July 2009

Middle Ditch 33

A Bit Of A Do
In Memory of Paul Hart

Jim, Minton and the Bishop reminisce about Alan.
Lady Annabel reveals a long held secret to Susan and Anna.

This episode features in order of appearance

Monique Caddy as the Announcer
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Janine Caddy as Libby
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Randolph Minton M.P.
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Jay Ramsay as Bishop Ramsay
Keith Walton as Jim
Christina McLaughlin as the Announcer

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by David Caddy and Jeremy Drake

Saturday 4 July 2009

Middle Ditch 32

Hospital Watch

Susan and Anna visit a sedated Grandad in hospital and catch up on old times.
Susan's revelation of Sarah's pregnancy shocks Anna.

This episode features in order of appearance:

Jeremy Drake as the Announcer
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Helen Hardy as Sarah

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy

Saturday 13 June 2009

Middle Ditch 31

The Trailway

Howard and Barbara discover Emma and Ed-Boy's hideaway and decide against informing Jim.
They are enthralled by the opening up of the countryside and see something ugly at the
end of their walk.

This episode features in order of appearance:

Sue Tarrant as the Announcer
David Caddy as Howard
Monique Caddy as Barbara

Sound effects and editing by David Caddy and Helen Hardy
Written by Monique Caddy and directed by Jeremy Drake

Saturday 23 May 2009

Middle Ditch 30

Case Closed?

Lady Annabel, Anna, Drake and Susan are shocked by Alan's death.
Jim comes to a conclusion. Anna has a surprise announcement.

This episode features in order of appearance:

David Caddy as the Announcer
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Jeremy Drake as Farmer Drake
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Keith Walton as Jim

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy

Saturday 2 May 2009

Middle Ditch 29

The Beaker People

Grandad has gone missing. Drake and Howard discuss the skeleton found on
Drake's farm. Jim receives grim news.

This episode features, in order of appearance,

Sue Tarrant as the Announcer
Jeremy Drake as Farmer Drake
David Caddy as Howard
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Keith Walton as Jim
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna

Editing and sound effects by David Caddy and Helen Hardy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy and David Caddy

Thursday 9 April 2009

Middle Ditch 28

Risen From The Dead

In the deserted pub, Lady Annabel and Minton
cannot decide who had the biggest shock.
An even bigger shock is awaiting Lady Annabel.

This episode features, in order of appearance:

Helen Hardy as the Announcer
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Randolph Minton M.P.
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Sorani Mkandawire as Anna
Sue Tarrant as Susan

Editing and sound effects by Helen Hardy and David Caddy
Written and directed by Monique Caddy and David Caddy

Saturday 14 March 2009

Middle Ditch 27

Minton's Dream

After a disastrous and stoned Oxford College Reunion, Minton has a dream.
His dream mixes the Middle Ditch Players version of 'The Navy Lark'
with a version of his Oxford encounters. Lady Annabel awakes him
with sad news.

This episode features in order of appearance

Sorani Mkandawire as the Announcer
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Randolph Minton M.P.
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel, Wren Cornwell and the Nanny
Monique Caddy as the Announcer and the Whore of Babylon
Jay Ramsay as the Show Announcer, Admiral Benbow and the Bishop
David Caddy as Captain Povey
Sue Tarrant as Wren Chasen
Freddie Fox as Able Seaman Minton
Keith Walton as Sub-Lieutenant Philips

Written and directed by David Caddy and Helen Hardy
Sound effects and editing by Helen Hardy and David Caddy

Saturday 21 February 2009

Middle Ditch 26

The Wake: Part Two

Drake has the shock of his life. Sarah collapses.
Howard, Barbara and Drake are arrested again.

This episode features in order of appearance

David Caddy as The Announcer
Jeremy Drake as Farmer Drake
Keith Walton as Jim
Helen Hardy as Sarah
David Caddy as Howard
Monique Caddy as Barbara

Written and directed by Monique Caddy
Sound effects and editing by Helen Hardy and David Caddy

Saturday 31 January 2009

Middle Ditch 25

The Wake: Part One

Mrs Wood has lost her memory again after seeing Minton again
and Susan recounts what has happened. A furious Emma demands
to know the truth about her father.

This episode features in order of appearance

Freddie Fox as the Announcer
Rowena Kitchen as Lady Annabel
Brian Hinton M.B.E. as Randolph Minton M.P.
Diana O'Rourke as Mrs Wood
Sue Tarrant as Susan
Freddie Fox as Ed-Boy
Dawn Napleton as Emma

Written and directed by Monique Caddy
Sound effects and editing by Helen Hardy and David Caddy

Saturday 10 January 2009

Middle Ditch 24

Sharing The Loot

Emma has left Grandad tied to a tree and Ed-Boy
tells her who her father is.

This episode features in order of appearance

Sorani Mkandawire as the Announcer
Dawn Napleton as Emma
Freddie Fox as Ed-Boy

Written and directed by Monique Caddy
Sound effects and editing by Helen Hardy and David Caddy